Who We Can Help
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We focus on the small and medium sized Managed Services Providers, (MSPs), that are wanting to do better. If you have fewer than 10 employees and are making, (Gross Income), less than $200,000.00 per employee, or less than 2 million in gross sales, we would like to show you how we have built multiple technology companies that operated within margins that were consistently twice the industry average. We want to work with MSP owners that want to make more money and want to have more time freedom.
Our process requires work. “The system is easy, but diligence is hard” – Clay Clark. https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/testimonials/ You do not get something without work. Because of this, we are looking for MSPs that are willing to work hard and see the benefits of their efforts. Our goal is to direct that work in the most beneficial direction so that you see the maximum amount of benefit for your efforts.
We want to work with MSPs with as few as 3 total employees, to MSPs that are a total of 15 employees. We are looking for MSP owners that want to make $500,000 to 1 Million in profits each year. We are looking for MSPs that are struggling to generate more than $100,000 to $200,000 in gross revenue per employee. We are looking for Managed Services Providers that cannot consistently make more than 10% or 20% percent net profit.
We want to work with MSP owners that are MOTIVATED to become the best MSP in their market. If you do not aspire to be the best at what you do, then we will not be a good fit.
Who are we NOT looking for?
If you do not want to make more money, and do not want more time freedom, then we are not a good fit.
If you are unwilling to work to achieve goals and objectives, then we are not a good fit.
If you are set in your ways, and unwilling to manipulate policies, procedures, and have ever said these words that are the bane of our existence, “We’ve always done it this way” then we are not a good fit.
We have proven systems that have allowed us to generate $1 million in profits with 10 employees with the last technology company that we sold. We have product knowledge that we can use to transform small 10% profit margins on products that you are selling through a value added re-seller, (VARS), into 90% profit margin in-house products that can deliver higher value for the customer, while becoming profit centers for your business.
Do you struggle with telecommunications, or phone systems, or disaster recovery solutions, or other complicated systems and services that your customers want, but have to go elsewhere to find because you are not offering these services?
You want to create sticky clients that tell themselves that it would be such a nightmare to change providers because you are offering so much value to the client in the way of products and services. You are their phone system vendor, computer supplier, phone line and internet re-seller, support resource, backup and disaster recovery provider, etc.
Are you leasing equipment, or providing Hardware as a Service? There is an extra 18% margin hiding in these services just waiting for you to make it easier for clients that are strapped for cash, but have cash flow, to pay monthly for something instead of all up front. There are leasing companies, and vendor relationships, that you can take advantage of so that you still get paid up front, but the client is allowed a low monthly payment because you brought a leasing company to the deal table.
Contact us to schedule a 10 minute conversation with one of our founders to see how you too can find time and financial freedom.